laaczlv // Visnotaļ smilškaste. Privātīpašums. Te vairs nav, ko rakstīt. | 2024-05-19 02:11 EET here

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skābs ābols
non-latvian part of site

Here you will find a description of this site in english. After all i decided to write this article (ignoring the absence of good english) because a lot of visitors lately are from outside of Latvia and the can't read and/or understand latvian.

what is .lv?

.lv is TLD (top level domain) for small country at the Baltic sea - Latvia. It resides inbetween Estonia, Lithuania, Russia and Belorussia. Capital is Riga. Well, i think i won't start getting into details about my country, but you can find information at google (as always:). Only thing i will say, that in Latvia we have our own language and it's Latvian. Freaky, isn't it?

what is .lv II?

Updated on December 6th, year 2002 {

I am confused and no doubt shocked. A lot of you, english speaking and/or reading people do not know about existance my country. Some of you even do not believe in it... So, what shall i think about rest, who are not commenting?

Latvia is a small country, located near the Baltic sea. Baltic sea is in Europe. Europe.. erm, you know, don't you? May be a map would help. That should help you not to feel like reading Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World.

Learning more is not hard. Though, I must admint, all information on Latvia in local sites is often outdated or incorrect (to bad, that noone ever cares about it), you can try some other popular resources. Try Yahoo directory for Latvia, the same at Google. That should get you started.

This site is not about Latvia. It is my personal playground, my sandpit. My home page, if you would like to put it this way. It is plain, that if i would like to create a site about Latvia for non-latvians, it would not be in Latvian, would it? :)

The reaction i expect from you, my dear english speaking or reading people, is to come and see this misterious country, of which you never have heard, with your own eyes. There are plains flying here, buses coming, boats coming here. We are going to be participants of European Union and NATO in few years (though, i don't think it's a good idea to do that in this right moment; the fact, that you are not aware of our existance, shows that i am right :P ).

Out country is not virtual or otherwise imaginary. It is real. It exists (poorly, i would say, but let it be). We have citizens. Not much, but they're real. We have our culture.

I don't want to get in details, but all you need you can find starting from places i mentioned before.

} Update ends here

about site

This site is being run by one person - me. My nick is laacz, real name doesn't matter (you can find it if you put a little effort).

Project is non-commercial. That means - i don't get any profit from keeping this site up or adding content on it (i hope, one day this fact will be obsolete).

Information contained here can be divided in two parts: personal and other. Personal information is related to me or people i meet with. Just to make visitors think that they know me. Personal information includes my thoughts on various topics too. They often disagree with others, but i don't give a duck. Other part of information is mostly entertaining. Songs i like, links harvested from different sites, flash movies, video clips, etc. That's all makes symbiosis. And i hope, that these two kinds of information merge together in unique and hopefully interesting way. The proof for that is humming of server's hard disk and running electrons in and out of server's network card.

Main goal is to get publicity for myself by entertaining people (mainly those, who live in Latvia and understand latvian language).

about myself

I code for food. I do server-side programming (PHP mainly, but can do ColdFusion or ASP, if necessary). And i think, i am good at HTML / CSS / JavaScript. At least, i used to. Think. I have a full-time job at Studio 2a.

I smoke, love beer, have a girlfriend, hitch-hike, if there is a need to go somewhere outside city. I read books. I think. Most of the time. Sometimes i sleep. It is pitty, but i don't remember any of my dreams lately.

I like music that i like.

I pee.

Oh. And I'm a male. I'm pretty sure of it.

english version, anyone?

No, i don't plan to make an english version of this site. At least not yet. That would mean to translate all posts in english. Lot of information here is specific to Latvia and understandable only to people who lives here.

At last - pardon my broken english.

If you have any questions, drop a line (anything at Discuss this text here.

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