The Bat!
Pats jau esmu makten ilggadējs The Bat! pasta programmas lietotājs (kopš 1998. gada; ja mani atmiņa neviļ, man ir slikta atmiņa). Kāpēc, stāstīt netaisos (vismaz ne šajā ierakstā). Tālab ar diezgan lielu prieku atradu un pabrowsējos pa saitu Daudz tiešām noderīgas informācijas.
> > When doing replies to a list, which puts it's name into subject,
> > Re's could be more correct. For example:
> > Subject: [list] Subject
> > When doing replie, it works out like:
> > Subject: Re: [list] Subject
> > listserv puts [list] in front of it anyway. So, now subject looks
> > like this:
> > Subject: [list] Re: [list] Subject
> > Next reply will produce
> > Subject: Re: [list] Re: [list] Subject
> > I would like to suggest putting "Re:" \_after\_ "[list]", instead of
> > putting it in front. And checking, if there is not "Re:" already
> > after "[list]".
> > Otherwise subject line keeps growing and growing.
> What we say to other users about this unexpectedly behaviour?
> An easy way to solve this to remove the tag on the list's soft level.
> But personally I use following macro in the templates for the lists:
> %QInclude="SmartSubj4Lists"
> where Quick SmartSubj4Lists is:
> %SetPattRegExp="(?i)\\A\\:?(\\s*(?????\|re\|ha\|rcpt\|fwd)(\\[\\d*\\])?:\\s*)*\\s*((\\[.*?\\])?.*?)(\\s{1,}-\\s{1,}#*\\Z\|\\Z)"%RegExpBlindMatch="%OFullSubj"%SubPatt="4"
2003. gada 19. martā, plkst. 13:38
Paldies! Mega noderīgi.
2003. gada 19. martā, plkst. 14:36
Kaa lai ar The Bat! piesleedzas pie SSL konta?
2005. gada 2. februārī, plkst. 18:27
The Bat 3 pro bikiņ iesako jo neatbalsta SSL un tāpēc ir problēma ar Gmail pop3 nolasīšanu. BRRR.
2005. gada 2. februārī, plkst. 18:34
Kādas muļķības tu te runā, Nemesis? :)
2005. gada 30. aprīlī, plkst. 16:51
2005. gada 1. maijā, plkst. 19:59
runāju to kas rakstīts The bat homepagē!