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8. marts

2002. gada 7. novembrī, 16 komentāri

Visi tagadiņās saliek remainderus, modinātājus, palūdz visiem paziņām un draugiem atgādināt 2003. gada 8. martā apskatīties šo lapu.

Tu atbildi augstāk redzamajam komentāram. Atcelt

Gravatar uldy

2002. gada 7. novembrī, plkst. 13:37

he he puisis toch filmas saskatiijies... bet remainderi uzliku... ja nu kas :P

Gravatar sklp

2002. gada 7. novembrī, plkst. 13:39

nez kas gan tur taads vareetu buut...

Gravatar sklp

2002. gada 7. novembrī, plkst. 13:40

aaa! sievieshu diena taksh...

Gravatar uldy

2002. gada 7. novembrī, plkst. 13:41

buus pliks tantux kursh sarunajas ar citplaneetieshiem...

Gravatar IMAGin

2002. gada 7. novembrī, plkst. 13:42

Njaa tieshaam taada sajuuta ka atklaato bilzhu saturs nemaz nav tik gruuti paredzams, vismaz to ievirzes...

Gravatar agressor

2002. gada 7. novembrī, plkst. 14:02

laikam jecks no CCCP

Gravatar (p)

2002. gada 7. novembrī, plkst. 15:10

laps maarketings. tieshaam laps.

Gravatar MaxDam

2002. gada 7. novembrī, plkst. 16:34

nez ir arii cilveeki kas shitaadaam mulkjiibaam notic?

Gravatar infernal

2002. gada 7. novembrī, plkst. 22:44

maxdam - nezinu vai noticeeshana ir tas buutiskaakais... bet gan ieintereseeshana.

Gravatar infernal

2002. gada 7. novembrī, plkst. 22:44

maxdam - nezinu vai noticeeshana ir tas buutiskaakais... bet gan ieintereseeshana.

Gravatar maxdam

2002. gada 9. novembrī, plkst. 02:19

lapas vairs nav! melnie agjenti buus izdzeesushi :)

Gravatar laacz

2002. gada 9. novembrī, plkst. 02:31

Lapa veel aizvien taada pati, kaa bijuse

Gravatar maxdam

2002. gada 10. novembrī, plkst. 15:42

nu nestaasti ir iznjemta. vienu laiku bija vispaar 404 errors. tagad ir atvainoshanaas teksts. luuk kaada vestuliite tika nosuutiita firmai kas hosteeja sho saitu:

To whom it may concern,

I would like to point out to you the contents of the site that your group hosts on godaddy.com, and protects through domainsbyprox.com This site is 8march2003.com, which to my mind goes against your own rule of Engage in morally objectionable activities, including but not limited to those which are child pornographic, harmful to minors, defamatory, abusive, threatening, harassing, tortious, obscene, racially, ethnically, or otherwise objectionable, involve hate crimes or terrorism.

How? Post September 11th, such information as spreading fright and conspiracy works not in the best interests of the general society. People are easily frightened and take no confidence in their future. To some point the contents is even mind terrorism.

Furthermore, within the site the author asks the viewers to create spam in his name, hence going against your other policy of Transmit spam, viruses or harmful computer programs.

Therefore I demand that this users protection is ended as soon as possible and the owner made known to the public. Should you not act on this e-mail I will be forced to try to find other measures to stop such action, but be advised that these will not go internally through you anymore.

A concerned surfer.

neesmu pilniigi droshs vai shiis veestules iespaidaa tika iznjemta lapa, bet nu fakts paliek fakts

Gravatar sklp

2002. gada 10. novembrī, plkst. 19:03

ja nu veci beidzot atrada tie agjenti?

Gravatar agressor

2002. gada 11. novembrī, plkst. 07:57

vinjsh jau dus aizsaulee

Gravatar uldy

2002. gada 11. novembrī, plkst. 13:33

beediigi, lapa ir beigusies un viss tjipa bija peetiijums... bet es zinu, ka patiesiiba ir tur aaraa!!! un nekas mani nepiespiediis domaat preteejo!!! dziljaa paarlieciibaa, ar cienju pret xfiles, paranormaalaam paraadiibaam un citplaneetieshiem...