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Bērnības maldi

2003. gada 3. aprīlī, 2 komentāri

I used to think that period blood was going to be blue because in the commercials in which they do an absorbency test comparing two different brands of sanitary napkins they use water with blue dye in it.

Kam tik cilvēki bērnībā ņera ticējuši.

Tu atbildi augstāk redzamajam komentāram. Atcelt

Gravatar Anonymous (but you know who ;D)

2003. gada 3. aprīlī, plkst. 13:15

I used to believe that laacz is a local genius comparable to the Lebediev. Once in my childhood I found a site made by him and fell in love with it.

Gravatar rxc

2003. gada 4. aprīlī, plkst. 10:41

oftopic: kaa man patiik tavs jaunais latviskojums - ņera - kur taadu var izdomaat?! :)))