AMMORPG = Adult MMORPG = Adult Massivly Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game — Sociolotron.
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AMMORPG = Adult MMORPG = Adult Massivly Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game — Sociolotron.
2004. gada 30. jūnijā, plkst. 00:21
laacz, Tu tak esi traks pie_kompja_sēdētājs, negausīgi strādā un tikpat negausīgi nodarbojas ar wasting time...
ehh, cik labi es saprotu Tevi. lai neaptrūkstas power!
2004. gada 30. jūnijā, plkst. 09:36
prišļi, nagrubiļi, da i ješčo vzjaļi i izportķiļi horošuju vešč... //Due to the high volume of new applications during the past few days, we are simply no longer able to keep up with them isnce we are a small game and have only limited capacity. We are therefore forced to close the registration process for now. Please check back in a few days. We will accept new applicaitons as soon as the current rush has settled down.//
2004. gada 30. jūnijā, plkst. 09:38
;) Kaut kā nelabi sanāk. Transliterācijas mašīna uzbļāva, ka:"...varbūt es kļūdos", un sačakarēja //italikas//.
2004. gada 30. jūnijā, plkst. 11:21
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