Joki par protololiem
Šo biju lasījis, bet pēkšņi atradu atkal iekš ex-dirty. Pameklēju internetā, un izrādās, tie savulaik aplidoja pasauli (lasi - tviteri) ietērpti #protolol haštegā. Izlasīju no kāda apkopojuma čupiņu man pašam par smieglīgākajiem šķitušos, kā arī pārīti no d3. Citur neesoši protololi ir ronami arīdzan HN komentāros, atsevišķā “the great thing about” sarakstā, kā arī identikā (atvērtais tviteris, kas tā arī neaizgāja).
- I know a good UDP joke, but you might not get it.
- The best thing about UDP jokes is that I don't care if you get them or not.
- The problem with UDP jokes: I don't get half of them #protolol
- I know a good TCP joke and will keep telling it until you get it.
- "Can I tell you a TCP joke?" "Please tell me a TCP joke." "OK, I'll tell you a TCP joke."
- The problem with TCP jokes is that people keep retelling them slower until you get them.
- I'm going to keep telling you this TCP joke until you get it.
- What's up with the jokes... Give it a REST, guys...
- The best thing about proprietary protocol jokes is REDACTED.
- The bad thing about Bittorrent jokes is that after everybody gets them, almost nobody shares them
- The problem with git jokes is everyone has their own version.
- The great thing about XML jokes is all the extra details having nothing to do with the actual joke.
- I tried to come up with an IPv4 joke, but the good ones were all already exhausted. #protolol
- The great thing about SQL transaction jokes is that once you BEGIN, you can ROLLBACK if nobody gets them.
- order best is tell that The you thing can about jokes BitTorrent them in any.
- The problem with telling a boolean joke is that everyone wants to know if it's true or false.
- You won't find an IPX joke funny unless its framed correctly
- Bad thing about BGP jokes is you never know if its a joke
- NTP jokes are always on time
- Everyone gets a broadcast joke
- NNTP jokes are news to me!
- The problem with PGP jokes is that you have to tell them to everyone individually
- ICMP echo request called. He wants his reply back
- The best thing about script jokes is that they start with a bang.
- The great thing about rsync jokes is that it only tells them if you haven't heard them before.
- The problem with IPV6 jokes is that they are hard to remember
- The problem with GIS jokes is that you really had to be there
- HTTP 200 jokes are only OK.
- A multicast packet walks into 100 bars.
- Want to hear a SYN FLOOD joke? -Want to hear a SYN FLOOD joke? -Want to hear a SYN FLOOD joke? -Want to hear a SYN FLOOD joke? -Want to hear a SYN FLOOD joke?
- XML jokes are well-formed
- I'll tell you joke about QoS, but let's wait for Anton.
- Wait, please. I'll tell you a joke about interrupts.
- I'll tell you all a joke about broadcast.
- The nice thing about Erlang jokes is that you can tell so many of them in parallel
- I really don't GET HTTP 404 jokes.
- The best thing about HTTP 100 jokes is that the best thing about HTTP 100 jokes is that the best thing about HTTP 100 jokes is
- Got a joke about SNMP but its private
- There are 10 possibilities when you tell a binary joke.
- 406 jokes are not acceptable
- The problem with filesize limit jokes is
- The best thing about UTF-8 jokes is ĹεġаÏ.γ üƨÈ.È.Å¡.
- The worst part with R jokes is that you cannot find them via google
- The good thing about recursive jokes is the good thing about recursive jokes.
- MySQL joke has gone away #protolol
- Un, protams, klasika. "A SQL statement walks into a bar and joins two tables."
2013. gada 26. aprīlī, plkst. 17:16
Un par ķīmiskām vielām bārā: Argon walks into a bar. The bartender says, "We don't serve noble gases here." Argon doesn't react.
2013. gada 26. aprīlī, plkst. 19:06
Nepareizi! Pareizi ir šitā:
An SQL query walks into a bar, walks up to two tables and asks - can I join you?
2013. gada 26. aprīlī, plkst. 19:19
Mamamia, cik asprātīgi!
2013. gada 26. aprīlī, plkst. 19:52
Kā arī
2013. gada 26. aprīlī, plkst. 21:41
A higgs boson walks into a bar, bartender doesn't understand....
2013. gada 27. aprīlī, plkst. 00:29
Kurā vietā jāsmejas?
2013. gada 27. aprīlī, plkst. 04:08
Lācz, šis bija tupi, debīli un bezgaumīgi. Kā pajautāt pie maskačkačkas admirāļa kāda: "Cik pulkstens?". Un jams tāds sfinketer laizītājs, ka maz neliekas.
2013. gada 27. aprīlī, plkst. 17:21
Vistiešākajā nozīmē protololi, pasmaidīt varēja.
2013. gada 28. aprīlī, plkst. 13:31
Sasmējos par pirmo. Tad tiku līdz ceturtajam. Sasmējos vēl vairāk. Vispār trakoti truli.
2013. gada 30. aprīlī, plkst. 10:39
Daži ir baigi labie. Bet nu tikai geeki saprot ;)
2013. gada 1. maijā, plkst. 14:34
Daudzi, kas nav "geeki", protams, ka nesapratīs un jokus sauks par truliem :)
man lielākā daļa likās smieklīga, paldies
2013. gada 7. maijā, plkst. 14:41
Mjā, daudzu IT neizglītoto un višādi citādi neizglītoto reakcija bija diezgan asa - intelekts nepavilka. Patiesībā protokolu pamatīpašības mācīja informātikas stundās, ja nemaldos... bet kurš gan to atceras...