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2003. gada 24. martā, 5 komentāri

i have gone sad
i have gone dead
i have gone dad
i have gone mad
i have gone mad!

Tu atbildi augstāk redzamajam komentāram. Atcelt

Gravatar Smejmoon

2003. gada 24. martā, plkst. 18:16

and i like it ..

"I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the most of us...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..." --PF

Gravatar nonick

2003. gada 24. martā, plkst. 21:36

madness wiz u deadness wiz u y daz sadness become 2o mad when sadness becomz 2 madness deadnz is after u once more again and twice and triple satanizm iz going around. not me.

Gravatar 8

2003. gada 25. martā, plkst. 14:11

offt.// strange, ..sen nekas nav komenteets, bet viss tiek lasiic :)

Gravatar Janka

2003. gada 26. martā, plkst. 10:39

Walking through the desert You know what it's about It's really from the church Too foreign That was never there Yet you know I'm in heaven But it is a hell Sun is drying up my brain The smile and installations Are my pain I'm going mad I'm going mad I'm going mad Aaaayowwww!!!

Gravatar Janka

2003. gada 26. martā, plkst. 10:41

tas ir no scorpions albuma lonesome crow (1972); dziesma I'm going mad, ja kas :)