Vai tu zini, ka...
Vai Tu zinānji, ka? Thank's to Leena
1. During an hours swimming at a municipal pool you will ingest an average of ½ litre of urine.
2. In an average day your hands will have come into indirect contact with 15 penises (touching door handles etc. when others have not washed hands)
3. An average persons yearly fast food intake will contain 12 pubic hairs.
4. In a year you will have swallowed 14 insects -while you slept!
5. Annually you will shake hands with 11 women who have recently masturbated and failed to wash their hands.
6. Annually you will shake hands with 6 men who have recently masturbated and failed to wash their hands.
7. In a lifetime an average of 22 workmen will have examined the contents of your dirty underwear basket.
8. At an average wedding reception you have a 1% chance of getting a cold sore from one of the guests.
9. Daily you will breathe in approximately 1 litre of other peoples’ anal gases.
10. Sharing a bag of crisps with a friend gives you a 10% chance of ingesting a small amount of their faeces.
2002. gada 7. augustā, plkst. 19:20
aabol, meilu lasi ?
2002. gada 7. augustā, plkst. 19:29
njaa bet pagaidaam veel nevareeshu paliiceet
2002. gada 7. augustā, plkst. 20:12 :D
2002. gada 7. augustā, plkst. 22:27
ceru ka laacz 1-dein ieraudziis SOMEONE commentu :)))))
2002. gada 7. augustā, plkst. 22:29
patiesiiba tikai tagad izlasiiju postu :)))
labais ir ka mees saelpojas perdeljus 1 litra apmeeraa :))))
2002. gada 8. augustā, plkst. 00:40
...un tur tika mineeta tikai viena mazmaziitinja dalja no visaam hernjaam ikdienaa :)
2002. gada 8. augustā, plkst. 09:23
teksc reaali labs...
2002. gada 8. augustā, plkst. 10:57
jaa visnotalj dziivesprieku vairojoshs faktu apkopojums
2002. gada 8. augustā, plkst. 11:28
a virsrakstaa kljuuda :P
2002. gada 8. augustā, plkst. 12:48
Nevis kljuuda, bet kljuudas :PP Bet saturs - kaut ko taadu jau vareeja izteeloties! Skatoties, kaa cilveeki aizraujas ar to bakteeriju audzeeshanu shkjiiviishos, lai peec tam biedeetu pagastu ar monstrozo durvju roktura bacilju populaaciju bildeem.
2002. gada 8. augustā, plkst. 14:04
sveiciens Uldiem...
2002. gada 8. augustā, plkst. 15:04
anaalaas gaazes!!!! anaalaas gaazes!!! glaabjas kas var
2002. gada 8. augustā, plkst. 16:16
naaxies iegaadaaties gaazmasku =)
2002. gada 8. augustā, plkst. 17:29
he, taa statistika laikam vairaak uz USA attiecas...
2002. gada 20. augustā, plkst. 18:18
a man saproties kaut kaa neticaas ka sievietes-masturbeetaajas-roku nemazgaataajas ir gandriiz uz pusi vairaak kaa viirieschi-taadi paschi.a?