Kad mirst Interneta personības...
Kas notiek ar mums, jums, saitiem, idejām, u.c., kad mirst webā pazīstami cilvēki. User Not Found.
User Not Found is a weblog devoted to the discussion of dealing with the death of online friends. As more and more friendships/relationships are established and maintained in a virtual realm, more "real life" scenarios become relevant in the online environment. Death, unfortunately, is one of these scenarios.
2003. gada 13. janvārī, plkst. 20:26
Tu taksh nebuus grasiijies atstiept pekas, ko? ;))
2003. gada 13. janvārī, plkst. 20:38
Neir gan manos plānos peku nē, bet ķepu atstiepšana.
2003. gada 13. janvārī, plkst. 20:40
karlos, offtopic