The proof, that laacz is evil
76 65 65 67 90 - as ASCII values
4 2 2 4 9 - digits added
\_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/
4 2 2 4 9 - digits added
Thus, "laacz" is 42249.
Add 1954, the year Elvis recorded his debut single, putting the end to all morality and good taste - the result is 44203.
Subtract 1964, the year Beatles with "Can't buy me love" topped the charts in a very mysterious way. The result will be 42239.
Subtract 1969, the year of Woodstock. The result will be 40270.
Add 6861 to it - this is the year Newton published wildly misunderstood "Principia", written backwards - you will get 47131.
Divide by 7, the sacred number of Illuminati - the result is 6733.
This, when read backwards, gives 3376. This is 1790 in octal, the year US patent system was established (eevil)...
2005. gada 23. jūlijā, plkst. 09:07
The text was good, but i stil cant find the play ipdates. looking for it dude.
2005. gada 25. jūlijā, plkst. 05:47
Nice one, but what about der weg ? anywya, congrats from me.