Video -- alternatīvs skats uz robotiem
Rise of machines :-) (~55MB; Quicktime). Lots of Robots. No jamo saita. Kārtējā neatkarīgā CG filmiņa.
LOR... an animated creation myth.
2,086,479,684 years ago, there was a brilliant scientinst working day and night to create a world of living beings. First came the plants and trees, and lots of animal robots to help him with his responsibilities. These robots were merely prototypes and would eventually be replaced by versions born of flesh and bone. But, this evolution would not go as planned when the robots refused to go.
2003. gada 30. jūlijā, plkst. 11:47
kruta - gribu dvd ripu... ;-)
2003. gada 30. jūlijā, plkst. 15:11
varu piedaavaat tikai dvd gripu , bljiadz
2003. gada 30. jūlijā, plkst. 15:23
kaut kaads murgs ...
2003. gada 30. jūlijā, plkst. 18:32
e shas megjinaas nokjert MATRIX grip. staastot, ka kjermens noklaajas viss ar zaljganiem characteriem, kuriem her vinj zin kaads teibelis ir:000
2003. gada 30. jūlijā, plkst. 19:12
sakums bija incants, pec tam sviests sakas :|