A List Apart - few more days
A List Apart will relaunch in just a few more days. Besides preparing the relaunch issue and building out the publishing, syndication, discussion, and mailing list tools, our tiny development and production team has been reformatting old content and putting it into the new system.
2003. gada 16. oktobrī, plkst. 10:14
jocīgi- pie šis nedēļas saprātīgākā posta nav neviena komentāra :-)
2003. gada 16. oktobrī, plkst. 11:26
Tapee, ka pat es nezinaaju kas tas par Zeldmanu vai ALA.
2003. gada 16. oktobrī, plkst. 15:12
MZM- a kas tu tāds esi, ka pat tu nezināji?