Bermonts. Rīga. ASV.
Acu priekšā ir ainiņa, kā noskranduši avīžzēni skraida pa Ņujorkas ielām un izkliedz avīzes virsrakstus. Daži no tiem ir lasāmi zemāk.
Von der Goltz Army of 20,000 Men Opens a Heavy Attack on the Letts.
Allies Prepare for New Steps to Force Withdrawal by the Teutons.
Protams, ka tas viss ir Copyright. 1919, by the New York Times Company. Special Cable to The New York Times. Atiet sleja no laikraksta The New York Times 1919. gada 10. oktobra numura. Klikšķiniet uz zemāk redzamo tālāklasīšanas saiti.
RIGA, Oct. 8 - After travelling for two nights and one day across Esthonia and Latvia, I arrived here early this morning. My visit has resulted in the firm conviction that the presence of von der Golz's force in this neighborhood represents the main obstacle to the repression of Bolshevism and the inaguration of a peacful and prosperous era in the Baltic provinces.
From the Allies Berlin has received instruction to secure the retirement of von der Golz's army into Germany - an army which has had its headquarters in Mitau, within a hour's run of this city, and its base at Tilsit, in East Prussia, with secure lines of communication over two lines of railway running between.
Breakfast was barely over when I heard the boom of high explosives, followed by machine gun fire, and word was prmoptly wired to the British Mission here that two German airplanes had deliberately dropped bombs on the Lettish cavalry headquarters.
My reference to German forces must be understood to cover the nominally Russian Army under Colonel Bermondt, which is identified with the conspiracy for setting up a West Russian Government in Moscow. It is reported that Bermondt recently scouted an order to proceed to Narva to join the Northwest Russian Army threatening Petrograd.
Later. - Since writing the above I have driven some six miles out of Riga City and have found that the worst fears are justified. With a force estimated at 20,000 men, the Germans are attacking on ten miles of front. The sector which I visited proved to be the only one where the Letts, heavily outnumbered, were yielding a little ground before strong pressure.
LONDON, Friday, Oct. 10. - The Germands are marching on Riga, according to a dispatch to The Daily Mail from its Helsingfors correspondent, dated Thursday.
Expect New Allied Demands.
PARIS, Oct. 9. - Marshal Foch, in all probability, will send a new note to the Berlin Government tomorrow demanding again the evacuation of the Baltic provinces by German troops.
Although the German propoganda service has been busy in the last two days reporting the evacuation under way, reports from Courland do not tend to confirm this view. At any rate, the Supreme Council has no official information that evacuation has begun, but is rather of the opinion that further action is necessary.
Troops Hope to Battle Entente
BERLIN, Oct. 8. (via Cohenhagen.) - "The enemy stands to the right." With these words Philipp Scheidemann, in the Reichstag yesterday, characterized the gravest danger to the German Republic and the peace of the world which is latent everywhere in Germany, but in the Baltic provinces has assumed a formidable shape.
Despite all semi-official assurances that the Entente's threat of a blockade has sobered the German troops there, the larger part of the troops obstinately refuse to return and, under pretense of joining the Russian White Guards, seem likely to remain. Private communications from Mitau confirm this view and various proclamations by the military leaders there leave no doubt that they, in the political ignorance sometimes characteristic of German officers, believe they will be successful even against the Entente.
The rank and file of the German Baltic troops doubtless only wish to assert a genuine or imagined right to settle in those lands, but that their leaders have plans for making the Baltic the base of a fight for the restoration of the German monarchy is known to the members of the German Federal Government, who, however, in blissful security, underestimate this danger as long as its breeding place is faraway Mitay. War Minister Noske and Chancellor Bauer dread the return of these troops, but still more they dread the anger of the Entente and doubtless are now deadly serious in their solicitations to the men to return and their threats of punishment, but, as even Vorwärts admits today, with very little chance of success.
"Their intention to remain must be seriously reckoned with," says the Socialist organ. "Only circumspect action can prevent Germany's unjust punishment by the Entente for their rebellious attitude."
General von der Goltz remains silent, but his underlings pretend that the soldiers will not permit him to return. Despite General von Eberhard's appointment as his successor, he is still in command.
All the Pan German papers urge the Baltic soldiers in more or less concealed terms to refuse obedience to the Government and remain.
The Northern Bank of Riga was recently visited by robbers in broad daylight, who took 1,000,000 marks and 160,000 francs, the latter being part of the American fund for needy Jews.
Report Most of the Troops Returning
BERLIN, Oct. 8. (Associated Press.) - The greater portion of the German troops under General von der Goltz, whome recall from the Baltic provinces was demanded by the Allies and ordered by German Government, are now on their way back to Germany, according to semi-official information received by the Tageblatt.
The advices state, however, that the Germans are badly hampered in their movements by the enmity of the Esthonians and the Letts, who are putting obstructions in the way of their progress along the eighty kilometers stretch between Mitau and Shavli, where opportunity offers to waylay the Germans.
The number of men who are remaining in the baltic is not definetely known here, nor has the exact strength of the returning contingent been revealed. The troops which are still holding out in their determination not to come back are being urged to return by General von Eberhard, who was sent by the Government to supervise the evacuation.
Gustav Noske, Minister of Defense, told the German National Assembly that Major Bischof, an officer under the command of General von der Goltz, would be court-martialed for urging his troops to remain in the Baltic region, notwithstanding directions from berlin that they must return to Germany.
Bischoff declares that the American military mission at Riga suggested to him last April that the Iron Division, one of the principal units under command of von der Goltz, should take Riga. This statement was made before the Assembly by Noske.
LONDON, Oct. 9. - The British Government has no confirmation of the recent report that General von der Goltz had joined the Bolsheviki, it was authoritatively stated today. It was believed to be probable, however, that he might have joined the forces of the Northwestern Russian Army, opposed to the Bolshevist régime.
Ja interesē, paturpināšu. Ja ir vēlme pašiem palasīties, ņemiet lāpstu un sāciet rakt.
2008. gada 27. februārī, plkst. 18:10
Nu ja. Vakars ir pagalam. Būs jārok, ja jau uz vājajiem punktiem spiež.
2008. gada 28. februārī, plkst. 14:23
Nopērc pēdējo Ilustrētā Pasaules Vēsture numuru. Tur ir tieši raksts par šiem 1919. gada notikumiem.
2008. gada 28. februārī, plkst. 16:47
iedomājies cik ātri un kā beigtos karš, ja vienai no pusēm būtu satelītizlūkošana vai II.kara bumbvedēji..
2008. gada 5. martā, plkst. 10:00
Pietiktu ar ak-47 izdalīšanu. Atcieries, toreiz taču šāva ar manuāli pārlādējamajām šautenēm.