English part
A little piece (web.archive.org kopija) of information for you, who can't see Latvian.
✉️ Saņem šito visu e-pastā. Tā vietā, lai palaistu garām kaut ko no tā, ko es rakstu savā blogā, tagad vari pierakstīties un saņemt e-pastā visu, ko es te rakstu. Tas nav bieži.
A little piece (web.archive.org kopija) of information for you, who can't see Latvian.
2002. gada 21. novembrī, plkst. 07:12
conkratulations! welcome to my country :) ieliec lacz veel to liiko reklaamklipu par LV :)
2002. gada 21. novembrī, plkst. 07:24
Vai tik peace vietaa nebija domaats piece????
2002. gada 21. novembrī, plkst. 07:47
Kuuuuuuul :) It iipash par to tjipo pretending cillvekiem itkaa buut paziistamiem ar laacz.
2002. gada 21. novembrī, plkst. 09:39
i would say: fair enough
2002. gada 21. novembrī, plkst. 11:01
PIECE of information! neapkauno muus.
2002. gada 21. novembrī, plkst. 11:06
gygy es gribu apkaunot sevi un tikai sevi. jaapieraksta mosh teksts, ka viss kauns neattiecaas uz visu latvieshu tautu? :) ok, scha izlaboshu
2002. gada 21. novembrī, plkst. 11:07
pieraxti arii p.s. :)
2002. gada 21. novembrī, plkst. 11:08
Nu jaa ja jau Fabriku skataas ASV, kaapeec lai ar laacz.lv taa nebuutu ?
2002. gada 21. novembrī, plkst. 13:40
Broken what?? I understand this text with no problems.
2002. gada 21. novembrī, plkst. 13:51
ASHyc, my english has punctuation and grammar problems :) as well as lot of typos :) that's the broken side of it :)
2002. gada 21. novembrī, plkst. 14:05
labs update...
2002. gada 21. novembrī, plkst. 14:16
Nu, bļin (piedodiet, ak jel atvainojiet). "I pee."(!!!) Uzraksti vēl, ka Tu "shit". Kretuks...
2002. gada 21. novembrī, plkst. 15:01
trakaak buutu, ja buutu "I pee right now"
2002. gada 21. novembrī, plkst. 15:33
khe khe .. :) .. tas "I pee." toch kaut kaa nevietaa .. :) .. bet taa jau tiiri neko .. vismaz aarzemniecinji sapratiis ap ko lieta grozaas .. ;)
2002. gada 21. novembrī, plkst. 15:37
"I pee" un "I am male" vareeja apvienot kaa "I pee standing" :)
2002. gada 21. novembrī, plkst. 15:37
manupraat, tas pee, taapeec, ka vinjsh arii ir normaals, tipa taadi kaa visi citi
2002. gada 21. novembrī, plkst. 16:28
"I code for food."
:))))))) 10/10
Smejmoon - codes for food and fun :P
2002. gada 22. novembrī, plkst. 17:17
I couldn't understand latvian but this site including very nice links... sugar horses band travelling around the world...
2002. gada 25. novembrī, plkst. 13:47
Respected Laacz project of the horses singers is extraordinary and it would like a lot to have the music in separate and the drawing in separate in format gif to install in my computer, my family adored but the internet is slow in my city calls TUPA that is inside the parents called BRAZIL.
Can you order for me?
Thank you and success in their projects
Prof. Sérgio D. Lopes
2002. gada 25. novembrī, plkst. 20:08
nabaga profesors nesaprot, kā var nokačāt .swf failus, un īstenībā tas nemaz nav laacz projekts... un nedomāju arī, ka laacz pat pirkstu pakustinās, lai izpildītu augstākminētajā vēstulītē pildītās darbības :)
2002. gada 26. novembrī, plkst. 17:10
Very nice. I didn't know your country at least by name until now. I'm from Brazil.
A lot of people from here are receveing that message with the four horses singing and enjoying. It's very cute.
Hope you continue doing such nice things and spreading your country culture around the internet.
See ya!
2002. gada 27. novembrī, plkst. 09:35
nu pisec, laacz ar aizguutiem zirgiem popularizee (ceru, ka pareizi uzrakstiiju) Latviju. Dajosh triis graudu ordeni laacim.
2002. gada 27. novembrī, plkst. 12:01
Baigie nemieri panesiisies pa visu pasauli un komentos, kad zviedri saaks bljaut, ka tie ir vinju zirgi... Umm...
2002. gada 27. novembrī, plkst. 12:16
2002. gada 27. novembrī, plkst. 12:38
This is message for laacz. Can you send me links(to this site) to flash movies or may be short english map of site with links
cause I don
t know Latvian but i interested in your site. If you would do it please send it to my e-mail(Zelenkov_k@mail.ru).2002. gada 27. novembrī, plkst. 12:50
Katoku, try searching for text ".swf": http://laacz.lv/?txt=.swf
2002. gada 28. novembrī, plkst. 11:26
2002. gada 28. novembrī, plkst. 13:02
Hi!! I'm from Rio de Janeiro, Brasil and I've received your link from a friend .. Its great!!! All my friends enjoyed the horses singers !!!
By the way, are you sure Latvia is a country? I cant find it in the maps... :-(
My best regards !!!
2002. gada 28. novembrī, plkst. 13:19
Yes, i am pretty sure. I live there :)
2002. gada 28. novembrī, plkst. 13:21
oh, by the way, where is the Brasil? :)
2002. gada 28. novembrī, plkst. 15:32
Brasil? I heard they have pretty good coffey, and even better ice hockey team. But have they ever heard about soccer? Dont think so. :) And by all means you need a new map!!!
2002. gada 28. novembrī, plkst. 20:49
Visjaukaakaa komentaaru seerija, kas jebkad she redzeeta. Man taa patiik tie braziilieshi ka gribas visus sabuchot.
2002. gada 29. novembrī, plkst. 04:13
nu baac... kur taa Magda kartes njeemusi, ja nevar Latviju atrast? pashziimeetaas?... btw, pasmiineeju par vienu lietu: http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/lg.html ir kaut kaada CIA informaacija par Latviju, un tur pie valsts platiibas saliidzinaajuma ieraxc: "slightly larger than West Virginia" :) amiishi domaa savaa liimenii...
2002. gada 29. novembrī, plkst. 20:37
Hi All !!!
Sorry .. but I still cant find your country in my maps :-) ... but I'm still looking for :) I will find it!!
hehehehe Soccer .. Oh yes !! We are the world Campion :-) Don't be so sad, we will enjoy to teach you about it :-)
"es ir es" and "Kaaposc" sorry, so sorry but I can't understand you !! :-(
but I will visit the site you(Kaaposc) put here. Thanks !!!
regards to all
2002. gada 2. decembrī, plkst. 19:17
Hi there!!.
I'm a braziliam to, and despite my colleagues I known a lot about Latvia, and a realy want to visit you soon.
Best regards
2002. gada 3. decembrī, plkst. 09:18
that's cool Barts. only thing - if you are going to visit LV shortly you have to buy a warm warm coat as this week there are about -5 degrees C. peace!
2002. gada 3. decembrī, plkst. 12:17
btw tieshaam diivaini, ka zviedri nekaadi nereagjee ;) tam vareetu butu vairaaki izskaidrojumi: vai nu vinjiem tik tieshaam ir po vai arii... vinji slepeniibaa plaano atentaatu pret laacz... beware, puukainais ;P
2002. gada 3. decembrī, plkst. 13:01
nu atslaabsti - taas copuraits zviedriem na liekas nau tik svariigas - gan jau ka tas cilveeks pac priecaajas ka vinja fleshish taa staigaa pa pasauliiti! piiiss!!
2002. gada 3. decembrī, plkst. 20:07
nav jau laacz vieniigais, kas savaa lapaa ielicis zirdzinjus vaig tikai google singing horses pamekleet un kaudze atrodaas
gan jau zviedriem ir cits ko dariit kaa par savu zirgu kopiiraitu uztraukties
2002. gada 4. decembrī, plkst. 12:04
tieshi taa tieshi taa :)))
jeeee ozeo eles:))))
2002. gada 6. decembrī, plkst. 12:58
I'm Frank, French but living in the Caribbean for the last 5 years. Im 29 years old and heard of your site by a 64 friend I first met while playing backgammon on yahoo games.....
I had never heard of Latvia before and even didn't find it in my current dictionnary.......
I'd love lo learn a bit more about your country and understand why I can't find it on any maps..... I don't mean that you have invented or imagined Latvia, but I would enjoy to know how a country surrounded by others has had the chance not to be the target of the interest of other civilisations, which could have spoiled a quiet environment..... I don't think Latvia is a lost land but maybe a preserved and small piece of land where Humanity could have hidden its vital roots....
One never knows, there may be an unknown paradise on this earth.... Why not!?
As you can see I'm quite hopeful despite these cruel experiences that our world has to go through because of the misunderstanding and intolerance of many individuals, who voluntarily prefer to care of their own interests and keep their whole and precious not-deserved priviledges.
Please just let me know a little bit more about your country so as to make my hopes come possible or at least imaginable because I can't accept that this utopian and restless imagination which haunts my soul could only be the result of my naivety and stupidity. (Anyway I DO NOT feel naive and/or stupid when hoping that peace could be the unique and sacred law for everyone! Do you think I am?)
I deeply hope to receive a trail of light from you..... If Latvia is still unknown and likely to remind the human siprit of humanity, then do your best to preserve it and keep it hidden until humanity is ready.... I am not able to say when it will be..... humanity has nothing reliable at the moment and only the future will tell.....
However, anything that can be done to make people realize and open their eyes on the way the world is dangerously deviating HAS to be done even through a simple website like the one you've created about your country Latvia. I guess that your motivation to let people hear of Latvia has some reasons, and your text on the homepage clearly shows how attached you are to your country and even a certain selfishness in talking and revealing to your readers the existence of a still unknown place which you finally keep secret and mysterious...... in hidding details about its history
I would greatly appreciate if you accepted to answer these questions (and please make sure that my attention is not to offend you anyhow) :
Thanks in advance for your reply. Look forward to read you... Still hopeful whatever you reply...... naive and stupid, maybe!...... determinated... surely!
2002. gada 6. decembrī, plkst. 13:15
Hi again!
It's Franky again!!! I'd like to apologize for my ignorance and insistance on Latvia's mysterious existence which both show a lack in my general culture.....
I just made a research on google and found a few sites which informed me a little bit about Latvia.....
However, I am convinced that Latvia must something something quite special to preserve it that much from the media and and the presumed civilised countries.
What I learned about Latvia through public accessing website do not change the hopes I sincerely revealed for Humanity and I still would like to get the answers to tyhe questions I asked previously.
Sincerely and looking to read you.....
Franky (maybe too hopeful..... maybe not, who knows!?)
2002. gada 6. decembrī, plkst. 13:22
i am truly shocked, Franky :) but i will create some description of location of my misterious conuntry and brief description of it :)
2002. gada 6. decembrī, plkst. 13:32
I guess, we were not the ones who invented this country. Those were other people many many many years ago.
Franky, try a little harder! I'm sure you WILL find some more information about our misterious country! :)
2002. gada 6. decembrī, plkst. 13:50
Franky, slight update. http://laacz.lv/eng/
2002. gada 6. decembrī, plkst. 14:17
Njaa, cilveeki meklee sapnju zemi.... Tas laikam nekad nebeigsies.
2002. gada 6. decembrī, plkst. 18:09
2002. gada 18. decembrī, plkst. 09:58
Tas, ka vini neatpazīst un nekad nav dzirdējuši par zemi Latvia ir ļoti vienkārši - lielakajā daļā latino valodu saimē Latvijas nosaukums labakajā gadījumā ir Lettonia vai kāds cits nosaukums, kurš sākas ar Lett nevis Lat. Atceramies, ka lielākā pasaules daļa tomēr runā spāniski, portugāliski, franciski, itāliski un vēl vis kaut kā tikai ne angliski.
2002. gada 18. decembrī, plkst. 13:37
Dear Franky
Latvia become independent from URSS in 1991, and have changed its name from Letonia to Latvia.
Barts Brazil
2002. gada 18. decembrī, plkst. 13:38
Dear Franky
Latvia became independent from URSS in 1991, and have changed its name from Letonia to Latvia.
Barts Brazil
2002. gada 18. decembrī, plkst. 13:49
Barts, it's not true. We haven't changed anything. It's just like in French they call Germany (Deutschland) - Alemagne. It's dependent on language you are talking in :)
2002. gada 18. decembrī, plkst. 14:16
Thank you !!!!
I apologize for my ignorance!!!
2002. gada 19. decembrī, plkst. 14:37
Redz cik jauki viss atrisinājās!
To Barts:
In Brazil are some little towns Where Latvians are more than 50 %. There is river Gauja (latvian men found it in the jungle) and town Riga - just like capital of Latvia.
2002. gada 19. decembrī, plkst. 14:50
Latvian - Latvija French - Lettonie English - Latvia German - Lettland
and so on and so forth ..
in your "neighbourhood" you could find: Rio Gauja, Rio Daugava, Rio Venta .. named after rivers of Latvia :))
2002. gada 19. decembrī, plkst. 15:06
Tagad uz sitiena nevaru atcerēties kura, bet ir Brazilijā pilsēta, kur centra ielas ir latviešu cilvēku vai varoņu vārdos, latviešu draudze un vēl kaut kas. Tie pa lielakājai daļai 1905. gada bēgļi, kas to pilsētu bija uzbūvējuši un atnesuši eiropeisku kultūru un darba tikumu, ilgus gadus bija vietējo varas struktūru priekšgalā. Kad esto plsētu atcerēšos tad noteikti pateikšu brazīļiem, jo tur ķipa muzejs esot.
2002. gada 20. decembrī, plkst. 18:13
Hi Lieladmirālis
Thank you about your information.
There is a beautiful page that explain the imigration of Latvians in Brazil.
Barts Brazil
2002. gada 20. decembrī, plkst. 18:22
Great site. Would love to visit Latvia and see the wonderful scenery, people, and food.
Based here in Texas we have our share of scenery, people and food -- albeit a little too Redneck at times. In a few years some Friends and I plan to visit Northwestern Europe in order to see some great progressive rock acts like Transatlantic, Flower Kings, Marillion, Arjen Lucassen and others -- So be careful for what you wish on people visiting
You may end up with a flood of Fat American Tourists -- LOL
2002. gada 21. decembrī, plkst. 18:08
Laacz -- I'll spend more time on your site soon, but I just wanted you to know that there are Americans who have heard of your country, have known about it for many years, and respect you for your spirit through your sometimes difficult history. Your freedom at the breakup of the Soviet Union was one of the best results that came from that revolution.
Since my husband has an Internet friend in Riga, it is on our list of places to visit next time we cross the ocean.
To those who critique typos and the selection of homonyms, next time please write your message in perfect Latvian.
2002. gada 23. decembrī, plkst. 14:05
Vai kāds man nepaskaidrotu ko nozīmē LOL?
2002. gada 23. decembrī, plkst. 16:33
Lots of lough == LOL
2002. gada 24. decembrī, plkst. 00:43
es vienmeer biju domaajis, ka LOL ir "laughing out loud" ??
2002. gada 24. decembrī, plkst. 02:40
We are in receipt of your "messages". Your English, by the way, is excellent. 'Certainly no reason for apology. We enjoyed the singing horses very much until we played the sound backwards. They are singing a Satanic verse and we feel this is very wrong. Of course, only Jesus as one of the Holy Trinity can judge you.
Regarding "Latvia", we find your allegation that "Latvia" is a country quite amusing. If it is a "country", why does it turn up on different continents in different centuries? The first recorded mention of "Latvia" (Latvitanusdon) appears in the writings of Pliny. Latvitanusdon was a subsidiary kingdom of the the Zelts, who were perilously under the rule of the Roman General Gerardius I. This kingdom, or fifedom to be more realistic, was located on the border of the Eastern Kingdoms, in parts of what is now modern Turkey.
The next record of "Latvia" (Latviatonos) was found in the writings of the world's oldest Christian Church. the Coptics of Ethiopia. They referred to Latviatonos as a heathan land where people so bereft of any decency that they subscribed neither to Christianity nor to the African animist beliefs could find refuge. These writing located Latviatonos just South and West of Ethiopia. More modern texts locate "Latvia" in Central Europe, Central Africa, and in the mountainous regions of Central Asia. So, you see, your assertions that there is really a "Latvia" and that it has historically occupied only one location on the planet are laughably untrue.
The best evidence I can find of a place called "Latvia" is in Jane's Book of Submarine Warfare, in which there is mention of a WWII German submarine being beached on the Island of Santo Latvia in the Caribbean Ocean. It's a very convincing ruse, but educated people the world over will certainly discover that "Latvia" lives only in the imagination of spaced- out dwellers of the wild wastelands along the Baltic Sea. Your "Latvian" language is very convincing. 'Sort of a Finno-Hungarian + E. European vulgate goulash. 'Very clever, though. Well, the Satanic Horses are very clever and they evidence great programming skills. We hope that, someday, you reveal your true nationality and language. Sincerely, The Institute. PS: Don't feel badly, we have a "nonexistent state" in the USA. It's even shown on many maps. It's usually referred to as "Nebraska" and is usually located North of Kansas and just south of our Canadian border states (Wisconsin, Minnesota, N. Dakota, Montana, etc.). People have even made up a legend about cities in "Nebraska", like "Lincoln" and "Omaha". There are people who swear that they have driven through "Nebraska" on their way from Iowa to S. Dakota. We can only humor them, for they are clearly delusional. We think that some persons, when feeling totally overwhelmed, make up elaborate "other worlds" in their minds. This gives them a sense of order and control in what they would otherwise think of as a chaotic and threatening world. Not that we are accusing you of such fantasies. We are sure that this "Latvia" thing is just an elaborate joke. A pretty clever one at that! Keep up the good work, you "Latvian guy", you!
2002. gada 24. decembrī, plkst. 09:44
Oups... That means, that I and my counry is imagination:) Our great wariors in histry, our culture, our language... That is wery intresting. :)
2002. gada 24. decembrī, plkst. 09:47
Sou why I have to pay taxes to contry, that dount exist.
2002. gada 24. decembrī, plkst. 13:28
lol .. don't forget that the money you pay is still the imagination .. :)) .. and the taxes are imagination as well .. :) .. sounds like the X-Files .. "The truth is out there.."
2002. gada 25. decembrī, plkst. 20:06
Yeah, and would that guy ever try to take a look at a map somewhere around the region of Northern Europe? And what does "finno-hungarian" mean? As far as I'mconcerned, and I'm pretty sure than Finnish have had absolutely no connection to Magyar countries :) I guess, some people never learn... Nu kur tie amerikāņi var būt tik stulbi?
2002. gada 25. decembrī, plkst. 23:10
I'm writing with my Latvian (seldom used) IRC nick just to say that your English site is good, far better than the writing of many Latvians who think they speak and write English. I am very new to this blog business. I set one up yesterday (Christmas Eve day) out of boredom. It is called Ravings From Latvia and is on the blogger site, blogspot.com or something. Ar latvieshu burtiem te nerakstaas, bet tas var buut taadeelj, ka lietoju Macintosh iBook ar MacOSX. Nelsliks saits, vispaar. Kaa jau rakstiiju angliski, pats saaku aiz gara laika blogot.
Prieciigus Ziemassveetkus visiem.
2002. gada 26. decembrī, plkst. 13:40
:D laa: "Schutzemann et al. (#10743)" ir pelnījis apgāzto klaunu :P (great post by the way)
2002. gada 26. decembrī, plkst. 13:47
Finno-Ugric languages are no Indo-European so they are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT (Monty Python) from English, Latvian, Spanish, Portugeese ..
Most widespoken languages are: Finnish, Ungarian(though they are realy far branch), Estonian and various Saami languages.
Latvian is pretty ancient looking (though it's rather new) language from Baltic branch of Indoeuropean family. It has influences from Northern neighbours, but they don't go further than stress on first sylable and borrowing of dozen words.
But the post of "Schutzemann et al. (#10743)" was realy entertaining. Irony, Laughter and Teasing is Smej in my nickname :)
2002. gada 26. decembrī, plkst. 13:49
please use spelling corrections if neccesary: "are not", "well then", "Hungarian", "and so on and so forth" :p
2002. gada 26. decembrī, plkst. 23:42
nu ka galiu pasakyt? lopai jus latviai. vistiek mes valdom. LT rulezzzz.
2002. gada 26. decembrī, plkst. 23:52
I see that you all dont know that latvian language is very similar to lithuanian. We (latvians and lithuanians) are balts. Our history is common. our languages are common. and all estonians hungarians or finns has nothin' common with us. Yours sincerrely LT
2002. gada 27. decembrī, plkst. 00:17
Respect to laacz from Lietuva. As I imagine comments like franky's really should drive you crazy. But I think it just shows that most of europeans (not mentioning the rest of the world) has no idea of our region. So keep working and enlightning people. :)
2002. gada 28. decembrī, plkst. 15:54
fuu, nu vismaz braalji lietuvieshi ir informeeti par to, kas atrodas jamiem ziemeljos. :)
2002. gada 29. decembrī, plkst. 12:01
Hy, i'm from Lithuania, our languages (latvian and lithunian) are very similar, as i read latvian text i can understand almost every word in the sentence... People like franky drives me crazy, because there are lots of people who think about Lithuania as franky about Latvia
2002. gada 29. decembrī, plkst. 12:02
Nu dar lietuviu nepaduos?? Kas ateis visi aisq per delfi :)
2002. gada 29. decembrī, plkst. 16:06
Heh, Vaina, I once saw a dictionary with about 400 words wich sound very similar in our languages, but have different meanings. The classical example being Lithuanian 'alnis' and 'briedis' meaning 'briedis' and 'alnis' in Latvian :)
2003. gada 3. janvārī, plkst. 01:42
I was in school in 1950 at the Universith of Oklahoma with an Architecture Student by the name of Ziggard Zaren. He was from Latvia. Cheers!!!
2003. gada 3. janvārī, plkst. 15:52
Zigurds Zariņš droshvien tas ir bijis :D
2003. gada 4. janvārī, plkst. 18:55
I understand none of this page, I was wondering if anybody knew of a translation site where i can translate this page into English. It's interesting, but I'm just a girl!
2003. gada 6. janvārī, plkst. 14:05
this might help a little - http://dictionary.tilde.lv/English/default1.htm ;)
2003. gada 6. janvārī, plkst. 17:21
Ziggard Stardest arī bija Zigurds Stardeķis, bet ja nopietni iečekojat Zemiti un viņa ģitāras.
2003. gada 13. janvārī, plkst. 18:08
Letonia is Latvia and Latvia is Letonia in portuguese ?!?!
Now it's clear to me !!!!! Letonia I know and I can find in my map !! :-)
Thanks a lot Bart !!!!
by the way Bart, how do you know Latvia as Latvia and not as Letonia as almost in Brazil?
my best regards, Magda
2003. gada 15. janvārī, plkst. 18:42
Dear Magda
I have some maps in english, and I just compare its.
Where you from Magda?
2003. gada 17. janvārī, plkst. 14:51
Oi Bart,
hahaha now I can write in portuguese :-)
Eu sou do Rio de Janeiro e você?
ok, ok, I will be nice :-) It means "I'm from Rio de Janeiro, and you?"
regards, beijos, Magda
2004. gada 27. februārī, plkst. 16:37
hi . im from Turkiye i like that group ... i only glance maybe later i ll check all of it . Sincerelly
2005. gada 2. septembrī, plkst. 17:30
Super site!
2005. gada 17. septembrī, plkst. 04:18
Thank you for the info!
2005. gada 17. septembrī, plkst. 04:18
Very nice site!
2005. gada 17. septembrī, plkst. 04:18
Your site is realy very interesting!
2005. gada 17. septembrī, plkst. 04:19
Thank you for the info!
2005. gada 17. septembrī, plkst. 04:19
Just to say hellow!
2005. gada 17. septembrī, plkst. 04:20
Realy good site!
2005. gada 17. septembrī, plkst. 04:20
Just to say hellow!
2005. gada 17. septembrī, plkst. 04:21
Very interesting blog!
2005. gada 17. septembrī, plkst. 04:21
Very nice site!
2005. gada 17. septembrī, plkst. 04:21
Just to say hellow!
2005. gada 17. septembrī, plkst. 04:21
Very nice site!
2005. gada 17. septembrī, plkst. 04:22
Just to say hellow!
2005. gada 17. septembrī, plkst. 04:24
Very nice site!
2005. gada 17. septembrī, plkst. 04:24
Just to say hellow!
2005. gada 17. septembrī, plkst. 04:24
Realy good site!
2005. gada 17. septembrī, plkst. 04:25
Your site is realy very interesting!
2005. gada 17. septembrī, plkst. 04:26
Thank you for the info!
2005. gada 17. septembrī, plkst. 04:26
Realy good site!
2005. gada 17. septembrī, plkst. 04:26
Realy good site!
2005. gada 17. septembrī, plkst. 04:27
Just to say hellow!
2005. gada 17. septembrī, plkst. 04:27
Very interesting blog!
2005. gada 17. septembrī, plkst. 04:28
Very interesting blog!
2005. gada 17. septembrī, plkst. 04:28
Your site is realy very interesting!
2005. gada 17. septembrī, plkst. 04:29
Thank you for the info!
2005. gada 17. septembrī, plkst. 04:29
Thank you for the info!
2005. gada 17. septembrī, plkst. 04:29
Just to say hellow!
2005. gada 17. septembrī, plkst. 04:30
Thank you for the info!
2005. gada 17. septembrī, plkst. 04:30
Just to say hellow!
2005. gada 17. septembrī, plkst. 04:31
Very interesting blog!
2005. gada 17. septembrī, plkst. 04:31
Realy good site!
2005. gada 17. septembrī, plkst. 04:31
Very interesting blog!
2005. gada 17. septembrī, plkst. 04:31
Just to say hellow!
2005. gada 17. septembrī, plkst. 04:31
Realy good site!
2005. gada 17. septembrī, plkst. 04:33
Very nice site!
2005. gada 17. septembrī, plkst. 04:34
Your site is realy very interesting!
2005. gada 17. septembrī, plkst. 04:35
Thank you for the info!
2005. gada 17. septembrī, plkst. 16:41
Nice blog!
2005. gada 17. septembrī, plkst. 16:43
Nice blog!
2005. gada 17. septembrī, plkst. 16:44
Thank you for the info!
2005. gada 17. septembrī, plkst. 16:53
Nice blog!
2005. gada 17. septembrī, plkst. 21:46
Your blog is realy very interesting.
2005. gada 27. septembrī, plkst. 11:17
specially for those smartass americans & similar people: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latvia